new home sweet home, again...

home sweet home
home sweet home
home sweet home
home sweet home
home sweet home
home sweet home
home sweet home
home sweet home

Yep, we moved again! This is the seventh place we've lived in over a period of 5 years, which I think makes us crazy! But it's the best one yet so that counts for something right?
Our last house we moved into was a pretty sudden move, it was a cool opportunity to live in a huge craftsman house that we shared with another couple (and for really cheap!). It was definitely spacious and a cool place but with some changing circumstances and more importantly, a baby on the way, we decided we needed our own place. After all, there are only a few more months that it'll just be Josh and I in a home!
I found this place over a month ago, fell in love with it and by the end of the day signed some papers to make it ours at the beginning of August. It's a little 2 bedroom apartment in our favorite area of Portland and it already feels like home. Plus, now we're less than a mile away from some of our closest friends... can't beat that!

All in all we're feeling extremely blessed and thankful.

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