this week

This week... august
This week... august
This week... august
This week... august
This week... august
This week... august
This week... august
This week... august

Pictured above:
1-3: Decaf coffee and lavender chocolate for a mid-morning snack
4: Sending out orders galore. So thankful for our shipping scale and printer and the fact that there is a drop box in our front yard.
5: Lunch: Dave's killer bread, cream cheese, cucumber. With a side of vitamins and lemonade of course
6: Failed self mirror shot haha. p.s. the bump got huge in the last couple weeks... bebe is growing!
7: The yummiest apple crisp. Wishing I had more right this second
8. A sleeping kitty and a tote bag that I shot a tutorial for (I'll be sharing it this weekend)

This week was busy and hot and tiring and good. Looking forward to having less busy weeks in the near future. I'm ready to send the summer off with a few more fun summery things then jump straight into fall and just bake things until my clothes don't fit (well, I guess they mostly already don't fit).

Other posts from me this week:
10 Gorgeous Peter Pan Collars
The Most Ingenious DIY for the Backless Dress Dilemma
Bobo Choses Fall/Winter Collection Is Amazing 
My Favorite Jewelry shop: Whiskey & Wine

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