23 goals // add a mile each month

23 goals
23 goals
vitamins and health
vitamins and health

At the beginning of the year I jotted down some goals for 2013. They range from "Make cheese at least once" to "go to NYC" to "get a new tattoo". I'll share about them here as I accomplish them... something to keep me accountable.
One on-going one that'll run throughout the year is "Add a mile each month". So I started with running one mile 5-6 days a week in January, upped it to 2 in february, and come friday it'll be 3. These are the easy months, talk to me in july or august... yikes! I think this will be a really good plan for me. I've been a runner since I was a teenager but mostly just 3-5 miles a day so i'm looking forward to getting a little more accomplished in my running.

To be honest, I haven't been working out super consistently since this time last year.. i was running and doing workout dvds here and there but over the summer and through fall and winter i was having some health issues (extremely nauseous 24/7, super fatigue, bad stomach pain) and working out worsened it so i just gave it up completely until i got things sorted out. It's mostly gone now except for the occasional nauseous days but overall, i'm feeling a MILLION times better.

Running again has been great, i'm pretty out of shape as far as my lungs are concerned but 7 months off will do that to you. I've also been doing ballet beautiful 3 times a week (which is AMAZING by the way) and stretching 20 minutes a day (trying to get my flexibility back but my ballet days... we'll see how that goes!).

Hooray for getting to be active again! Does anyone else want to do this "add a mile each month" with me??

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