vitamin D changed my life

vitamins and health

That title sounds a little bit dramatic but seriously...

For the past couple months i've been so tired all day.. like falling asleep at the computer tired even after getting 8 hours of sleep at night. Fatigue all day, everyday... it felt like a truck hit me. (I was sometimes napping twice in one day!) Not to mention, i was getting a headache like clockwork around 3 or 4pm.
I went to my doctor a couple weeks ago to get some blood work done to make sure i wasn't dying of cancer or something, and it turns out I was extremely deficient in vitamin D (which is pretty common in portland)

I bought a little bottle of the vitamins at whole foods and guess what... i haven't felt tired since. I've seriously had more energy than i've had in a long time and my mind feels crystal clear. I don't know how this is possible but i'm just glad it is. This tiny little vitamin is a life saver.

Thank you vitamin D!

p.s. seriously, if you have some of these symptoms it's worth a shot. Start with a lower dosage or get your blood levels checked to know exactly what to take. I take 5,000 IUs but its more common that people only need 250. i'm not a doctor so maybe you should talk to yours first... but a small amount probably wouldn't hurt.
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