to the

to the mountain
to the mountain
to the mountain
to the mountain
to the mountain
to the mountain
to the mountain
to the mountain
to the mountain

On monday we headed 60 miles east to play in some snow. We drank some overpriced nasty coffee at timberline lodge. Punched the powdery snow (its really satisfying, you should try it). Trudged through tons of deep snow until my toes almost froze off... tip: rain boots keep your feet dry but not warm. 
We had originally planned to go sledding or renting some snow shoes but we weren't dressed appropriately... we were so cold! (next time!)
So instead we just walked around and admired how beautiful everything looked. That sounds lame.. but when you aren't used to seeing that much snow you do some serious admiring.  

It's amazing how often i forget how close we live to such beautiful places... I like these reminders.
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