this and that

i've never been much of a flower girl. i would always hint at josh for anything other than flowers on special occasions but lately, i'm totally enamored by them. These $4 tulips from trader joes must have converted me. I want to branch out (pun?) and put some bouquets together myself... who am i?
At the very least I decided to get flowers once a week while i'm grocery shopping.. it's makes the house (and me) so happy and for $4, why not??
and that:
i have some pendleton clutches hitting my shop soon. I've been using my prototype for over a month now and i loooove it (can i say that about my own stuff?). they'll be up for sale in March as well as some other clutches/bags. What do you think? Like it?

Josh has tomorrow off so we're headed to play in the snow on the mountain. We haven't seen snow at all this winter so i'm really looking forward to it. I also plan on watching way too many episodes of parenthood, i'm still trying to get caught up so i've been binge watching.

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