Taking stock

Taking Stock - June
(outtake from my puff paint peter pan collar tutorial)

Making : A colorful DIY pillow that I'll be sharing soon

Cooking : Avocado basil pasta—a summer favorite

Drinking : Cold brew coffee

Reading: Hands Free Mama still...

Wanting: To be swimming somewhere tropical

Playing: The fault in our stars soundtrack (it's real good)

Sewing: Crib sheets

Wishing: time would slow down!

Enjoying: The slow days at home playing with Beck

Liking: The cool-for-june weather (70 degrees—yes please)

Wondering: If I'll ever be good at returning emails

Hoping: to get rid of a bunch of stuff before we move in 2 weeks

Marveling: at how quick Beck is learning new things

Needing: to want less...

Smelling: the smell of rain through the open window next to me

Wearing: jumpsuits and rompers... everyday

Thinking: I should go on a sugar fast really soon

Feeling: ^ like I don't want to :)

Bookmarking: popsicle recipes

Play along! I could read these all day (Taking stock idea from here)
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