Beck at 6 months

Beck - 6 months
Beck - 6 months
Beck - 6 months
Beck - 6 months

A whole half a year has passed since this little guy made his way into our lives. It seems impossible. But watching him learn and grow is so much fun (and also bittersweet)

At 6 months:

He has two teeth (ouch) and more coming in. He rolls and scoots all around. Speaking of rolls, he has lots of those. We've introduced a few foods: his favorites are butternut squash and a pear/spinach combo. He the happiest and most easy going baby, even on the rough teething days. He jumps and jumps any chance he can get. He's finally napping on a regular schedule (hallelujah). He has my eyes but still mostly looks like Josh. Our favorite nickname for him is Roo and thats what we call him the most.

Now time... slow down pleeeease!

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