around the house


I've been spending quite a bit of time making things for this baby of ours. Something about the changing weather made me get into full nesting mode (more so than my usual nesting self) and suddenly all I want to do is organize the house, make baby stuff and bake all the time. The baking thing had to be short lived though, as much as I want to eat baked goods all day I'm suddenly hyper aware of what I'm putting into my body and I'm trying to only feed this baby nutritious things (that and I don't want to gain 20 lbs in the last weeks of being pregnant). That being said, trader joe's makes the best pumpkin bread/muffin mix in the universe. It's not even worth trying to find a comparable homemade recipe, the mix is all you need.

And as you can see above we set up the crib! The room is far from finished but it'll get there eventually. I also made some blankets and moccasins (pictured above) and got the Solly baby wrap in the mail. We were so excited about it we had it to try it on multiple times and stick one of the cats in, just for fun. Oh boy...

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