WEARS 01 // easter


We had such an amazing easter, there wasn't much to it but it was special. For some reason we woke up at 7:30am (which does NOT happen on the weekends), but i'll chalk that up to the sun shining bright in our room. We traded some small gifts, not sure why we still do this but its a fun excuse to spoil each other a little. Then we ate breakfast and lounged around. I dropped him off at work then spent some time with family, celebrating easter and birthdays. We ended the day at our church, with a beautiful service.

Before we ran out the door josh took some photos of me... this is me trying to document more daily stuff and not just flowers ;). I bought this dress recently with a gift card and I'm excited its finally nice enough outside to wear it. i haven't owned a white dress in a long time but i love it. Confession: I wasn't ready to go tightless just yet but i felt insecure about wearing black tights with a white dress, so i searched for that combo on pinterest and million things came up which gave me the confidence i needed. (thank you pinterest!)

Hope your easter was lovely too!

P.s. i cut a few inches off my hair. it feels SO much better but also so short, i almost feel bald. Crazy that a few inches can feel so different! Glad to have the crunchy ends gone though

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