spring blooms

I've said it before and I'll say it again.. Spring is the prettiest time of the year in Portland. It may still be pretty drizzly but every street is decked out with blooming white, pink or yellow trees.. I seriously gasp in awe all the time (ask my husband, it freaks him out). The other day we went out for a walk and I brought some scissors so i could steal a few blooming branches to put in a vase. Added to my ever changing collection of fresh flowers... who have i become?

On a totally different note, March was kind of a weird month... I was pretty unmotivated in my work, which wasn't my favorite. I think it was the remnants of feeling burnt out from too much work in jan/feb. I'm not a very good boss for myself but i'm learning! I could probably write a never ending post on what to do/don't do when you run a business (or two)...oh the mistakes i've made! (I'm still the WORST at email correspondence, its tragic). Today I sat down and wrote out a new schedule for myself so i guess its safe to say i'm back to my motivated self.

P.S. the other day I came up to our room and saw these two babies hugging while sleeping... is that not the most precious thing you've ever seen? i can't even handle it!

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