January photo dump

End of january

End of january
End of january

I've been working on making our room feel nicer and more "done". I've put it off because its tiny and odd shaped and I just don't like it very much but I tried to do a few small things to help it along. New plant, new wall light, new chalkboard. Meanwhile, I've been stalking zillow for a house to buy. I can dream right??

End of january
End of january
End of january
End of january

This kid is going through major food aversion lately. He used to eat anything... and it was great. Now most of the time he won't even touch his favorites. Except soup or fruit or green smoothies... he'll eat those all day long. Hoping this phase doesn't last forever!

dada + baby
^^ but hoping this phase DOES last forever. He wants to walk hand in hand everywhere we go!
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