Our Favorite Baby Books

If there is one thing that Beck might have too much of for his age it is definitely books (but if we're honest, too many book is never a bad thing). His collection is pretty massive, which is awesome because he already loves looking at/grabbing/reading them. We read them all throughout the day and always wind down at night with a few.

I could probably recite most of these by heart. These are our favorites right now!
10 Childrens Books

1. Dream Animals
2. I Am a Bunny
3. Bear Snores On
4. Press Here (this is definitely for older kiddos, my nephew LOVES it)
5. Once Upon a Memory
6. Harry the Dirty Dog
7. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
8. How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
9. Dear Zoo
10. I Want My Hat Back

If I had to choose an absolute favorite that you must get it'd be Dream Animals. The prettiest illustrations and such a sweet little night time read. 

Also in current rotation are classics like:

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
On the Night You Were Born
Fox in Socks
Where the Wild Things Are
Dr. Seuss's ABC

Also!! Those indestructible books are awesome! We have the Mama and Baby one and he grabs and chews on that thing constantly, it makes him giddy. 

What are your favorite children's books? We're always on the hunt for new ones.
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