Social media!

Social media!

Soooo I finally made an official facebook page for this blog! I guess facebook is a big deal or something? ;) If you want, I'd love for ...
Our Favorite Baby Books

Our Favorite Baby Books

If there is one thing that Beck might have too much of for his age it is definitely books (but if we're honest, too many book is never  ...
Cold Brew Coffee

Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew coffee. It's delicious, it's quick, it's easy (almost dangerously so). I've put the recipe on here before years ag...
Bedtime routines

Bedtime routines

Bedtime routine at 5 months: A fresh diaper and clean jammies. A book or two (or three, four or five). Lots of rolling around on our bed to ...


(And a photo of chubby baby legs and diaper butt. Because is there anything cuter in the whole world??) Reading: Hands Free Mama. It has be...