Little lion babe

Little Lion Babe
Little Lion Babe
Little Lion Babe
Little Lion Babe
Little Beck in lion jammies, a day shy of 2 months old.

Time is going by way too fast. I know its a cliché, especially when you have a baby... but it really really does. January has been exceptionally busy. Trying to figure out our new daily routine has taken the entire month... there's lots of cold coffee and to-do lists that don't have a single thing crossed off. It's the new norm and I don't mind one bit.

Being a mom has been such a treat so far and I've never had so many blog posts written in my head without the time to do so but I'm hoping to catch up... these posts need to come out of me before I explode or something.

Speaking of exploding, my heart does that a million times a day.

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