

Watching: Downton Abbey. I finally gave this a shot after hearing nothing but good things about it. I have to say the first season was a little hard to get into, there are SO many characters and I found myself looking at wikipedia after every episode to figure it out. I'm loving it now though, I just finished season 2 and now i'm trying to figure out where I can watch season 3. I  also got caught up with parenthood about a month ago and I tried finishing the second season of American horror story but it got creepy/weird and was giving me nightmares so I stopped.

Hating: taking my vitamins. after years i am still such a baby about this! i start to feel gaggy even just thinking about it.  i've found taking them with juice is WAY better but i still avoid it all day. Am i the only one? any tricks that make it easier?

Feeling: Thankful! April has been full of all kinds of emotions, but mostly the good sappy kind. And it's been a busy month. Hence why the blog has been ignored. Also, super thankful to have a new (to us) car. Our previous one bit the dust a few weeks ago and we spent two weeks relying on other people or public transportion (the worst!). Despite the inconvenience i am so grateful for friends who took me grocery shopping during that time (you're the best sarah!!) and now we're stoked to have a prius (typical portlanders...)

Eating: a really amazing piece of hazelnut chocolate. I've been off sugar again, but I get one day a week to enjoy something sweet (which happens to be today!). It's really doable for me and it feels good to not be eating sugar every day. You should try this method if you need to cut back on sugar, it doesn't feel too limiting.

Excited about: putting some new items in my store soon! I have quite a few new accessories, as well as some new dresses/prints for ladies and babies! Look for those in May! I'm hoping by announcing that it'll give me the motivation to actually work long days and not just take naps ;)

Thats all for now! Play along in the comments if you'd like! Hope you all have an amazing week

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