The rainiest day at the pumpkin patch

Last Saturday we braved the rain (like we do here) and headed to the pumpkin patch with a bunch of people. It was coming down pretty good when we first got there but then it cleared so we headed towards the area where you pet and feed all the animals. Beck loves animals more than anything so he was in heaven. This baby cow.... I want to take him home. The rainiest pumpkin patch

Then we went in the muddiest (and most slippery) corn maze and got lost for an hour and ending up finding our way back out the entrance eventually. I almost face planted into the mud like 30 times and I was SO over the corn maze.

The rainiest pumpkin patch
The rainiest pumpkin patch

It still wasn't raining so we took the hayride to the pumpkin patch area. Immediately the sky got dark and then started pouring, with no signs of letting up. I ran out and grabbed a pumpkin any way and got soaked. It was so windy it literally felt like a tornado and the rain was shooting sideways. It was so intense (and funny) and these were the genuine reactions to it... I guess Beck was frightened or upset ;)
The rainiest pumpkin patch
Seriously, it was the hardest I've ever seen it rain here. We ran back to the car completely soaked. It was definitely a memory we won't forget any time soon!

Pumpkin patch, we're coming back for you when the forecast is slightly better!
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