oh, bye July! (Currently...)


July has passed by without a peep from me here. Ooops! But right now I have a free minute and this juice was begging to be on the internet (wink) so I thought I'd do a Currently post just for fun.


Reading: All the light we cannot see by Anthony Doerr. Really fun read so far. I've been a reading machine this year and I'm working on my list of favorites to share in a post soon!

Watching: If I get a chance to watch anything, documentaries on netflix are my jam. Any recs of what I should watch next?

Eating: Beck's goldfish right now ;) BUT.... we've also been juicing every day and it feels SO good to incorporate loads of veggies in each one and chug it down. Favorites are: beets apple ginger, cucumber kale apple, and carrot pear ginger.

Wondering: How long I have before Beck wakes up (always the question of the day!)

Shocked by: How much Beck is talking! It feels like he was just saying mama and milk last month and now he says more words than I could write down right now (hard ones like dinosaur and elephant!) and putting sentences together. It makes my heart explode and also want to cry all at the same time. He's not a baby anymore.

Planning: We're loosely starting to plan a few vacations for the upcoming months. A lazy week at the beach reading books and playing with Beck is on the agenda for now... though I'm still absolutely dying to get our butts somewhere tropical. White sand, clear blue water are my priorities.

Learning: more in depth about essential oils. I have this reference guide that talks about the historical data, plant origins, what each one is used for, etc. It's so fascinating! People have been using these for hundreds (actually, thousands) of years. I could nerd out for hours flipping through the book.

Laughing at: the socalitybarbie instagram. Have you seen it? Whoever came up with the idea is a genius (its not me, but I wish it was!) and I can't get enough of it.

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