UP MOVE Update.

Up Move Update
Up Move Update

I've been using the UP MOVE for about a month and I'm still obsessed with it. As a total type-A, goal oriented person this little guy has been a dream, the app is so straight-forward, organized and accurate and I'm like a little kid checking on it 30 times a day to see where I'm at as far as my daily goal.

It has little encouragements that you can get during the day to tell you you've made it half-way or hit your goal and what-not, it's a fun feature. And if you haven't met your goals, it calculates your average and has you aim to beat those everyday. Like I said, awesome!

I've been playing around with the food feature on the app too. You can input everything you eat and it calculates the total carbs, proteins, sugars, etc and organizes it all so well. It also keeps track of calories in vs. calories out so if you were trying to lose weight that could be a really helpful tool.

Over the course of the last month I've slowly built my average up to 9,000 steps and have even hit my 10,000 goal a few times... woot woot! Progress made! I'm trying to convince some of my friends to get one so we can have competitions for steps, wouldn't that be fun? You can see a screenshot of what my activity looked like on a day we did a hike in this photo. The 'longest idle' function is a kick in the butt to get moving.

Anyway, I totally love this thing and religiously wear it everyday and also every night to track my sleep. If you're in the market for something like this I highly recommend it (you can purchase one here), it's the best one I've tried yet!

Up Move Update
This post was created in partnership with Jawbone. As always, all opinions and words are entirely my own and I'm super grateful to have the opportunity to collaborate with companies like this. 
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