Oh hello August...

August - Around the house
August - Around the house
August - Around the house
August - Around the house
August - Around the house
August - Around the house
August - Around the house

It's been a little quieter than normal on here because of packing/unpacking/moving madness. Yes, we moved again. I'm starting to think we must enjoy moving since we've been doing it once a year (or twice) the past few years. (Are we done yet?) We have much more space now and we're in a super fun area where we can walk to anything and everything... so it was worth the madness of trying to pack and unpack with an increasingly mobile baby. Glad the worst of it is over.

Looking forward to getting back into my regular blogging schedule—I have some DIY's, recipes, a fun new series and lots of baby posts lined up for August.

Now I just need someone to come help me decorate...

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