hello hello!

Just a couple random shots from the week:
1. my favorite snack right now. i can't do yogurt in the morning but i've been snacking on one of these every day to squeeze in some extra protein. doctors orders!
2. knick knacks on my dresser. confession: i'm a candle hoarder. i got this candle for my birthday in November and I never wanted to light it because I like it so much but I did for the first time this week. It doesn't make sense but I do this with every candle... apparently i'm really afraid of them running out. (Both candles on my dresser are from anthropologie and both are amazing!)
3. My husband is sometimes too good to be true. He picked up on some hints back when this dear creatures collection first launched and pre-ordered it for me. It took months to come in but its beautiful and I can't wait to wear it all the time.

I just noticed I haven't posted since the end of April. I've been pretty sick for most of May, colds and stomach stuff but all is well! I've missed it and I'm looking forward to catching up. I have another video, a recipe or two, a tutorial and regular life stuff to post before May is over... you've been warned ;)

p.s. I have some new clutches in the shop! Check them out HERE and come back tomorrow because i'm giving one away!


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